Follow all the action as Juan Manuel Marquez and Mike Alvarado square in a Welterweight elimination bout from The Forum in Inglewood, California. The action begins at 10:15 ET / 7:15 PT with a Jr. Welterweight bout between Viktor Postial and Selcuk Aydin.
Round 1 Good right and left hook from Marquez…Right from Alvarado..right...10-10
Round 2 Alvarado lands a jab…2 rights from Marquez..good left to the body..Alvarado lands a body shot..left hook…20-19 Marquez
Round 3 Counter right from Marquez…good left hook from Alvarado…Body shot from Marquez..Hard right and 3 more..Alvarado gets in 2 lefts..30-28 Marquez Headbutt causes cut on Alvarado
Round 4 Alvarado lands a left to the body..Hard right from Marquez..solid left hook..Good right to the body..4 punch combination..combinations…40-37 Marquez
Round 5 Hard body shots from Marquez..body shot..Combination..Alvarado lands a right..50-46 Marquez
Round 6 Hard right from Marquez..Hard right..Marquez landing hard combinations..60-55 Marquez
Round 7 Hard upperut that sets up a combination from Marquez..70-64 Marquez
Round 8 Good right from Marquez..Hard counter right…HUGE COUNTER RIGHT AND DOWN GOES ALVARDO..80-72 Marquez
Round 9 RIGHT AND DOWN GOES MARQUEZ…Tremendous back and forth..Big right from Marquez..88-82 Marquez
Round 10 Hard right from Alvarado..left and right from Marquez…Alvarado cut from lefy eye…98-91 Marquez
Round 11 Left hook from Alvarado…uppercut..Left uppercut from Marquez..Right..right staggers Marquez..Marquez glove almost hits the canvas..107-101 Marquez
Round 12 Combination from Marquez…117-110 Marquez
117-109, 117-109, 119-108 JUAN MANUEL MARQUEZ
12 Rounds–Jr. Welterweights–Viktor Postal (25-0, 10 KO’s) vs Selcuk Aydin (26-2, 19 KO’s)
Round 1 Postol landing jabs and left to the body..Hard left from Aydin wobbles Postol…10-9 Aydin
Round 2 Left hook from Aydin…left hpok..20-18 Aydin
Round 3 Uppercut from Postol..Hook from Aydin..Body shots from Postol..29-28 Aydin
Round 4 Good right from Aydin..39-37 Aydin
Round 5 Good left uppercut from Postol…uppercut…left hook to the body and another…48-47 Postol
Round 6 Combinations from Postol…57-57
Round 7 Postol landing combinations..67-66 Postol
Round 8 11 punches from Postol..good left hook by Aydin..2 hard lefts…body shot...77-75 Postol
Round 9 Postol lands a good right to olbody..87-84 Postol
Round 10 Aydin lands a right..left hook..Postol lands a right..left from Aydin..96-94 Postol
Round 11 Postol lands a 2 punch combination..Aydin docked a point for hitting behind the head..BIG UPPERCUT AND DOWN GOES AYDIN AND THE FIGHT IS OVER