“Welterweight Amir (King) Khan took the main event in the MGM Grand Garden on Saturday night, an event labeled “The Royal Battle,” in impressive fashion.”- Bill Dwyre, Los Angeles Times
“The 28-year-old native of England looked spectacular in his second fight as a full-fledged welterweight by controlling distance with his jab and temporarily putting aside the chin issues that have haunted his career.” – Brian Campbell, ESPN
“Amir Khan put on a boxing clinic at the expense of Devon Alexander Saturday at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, garnering the degree of landslide he felt necessary to warrant a shot at Floyd Mayweather Jr.” – Case Keefer, Las Vegas Review-Journal
“The way he took apart Alexander, who had lost only twice before this, was terrifically encouraging, no more so than in witnessing how Virgil Hunter, his wily trainer, has ironed out the flaws which were holding him back.” – Steve Brenner, The Guardian
“Khan, using his height (5’9″), boxing acumen and pure physical gifts, dominated a fight many expected to be close, beating Alexander to the punch and re-staking his claim to the greatest prize in all of boxing—a potential bout with Floyd Mayweather Jr.”- Jonathan Snowden, Bleacher Report
“Khan’s quickness was too much from the opening bell as he kept the southpaw Alexander on the outside and was first with his punches in most exchanges.” – Tim Dahlberg, Associated Press
“So brilliantly did he bedazzle the much-respected three-time world champion Devon Alexander that this neon city which craves thrills and excitement is clamouring to see his name back in lights here soon.” – Jeff Powell, Daily Mail