
Prospect Boxing owner Paul Graham has made his blueprint for running successful boxing promotions company which ensures he keeps his boxers and himself busy throughout the season. Reflecting on his time a professional promoter, Graham shares some of the lessons he has learned ” Not every lad that turns over from the amateurs will be British, European or World title contenders but with dedication and hard work and the right matchmaking, most can fight for at least a Scottish area title, which if matched correctly can provide both the fighters and the punters the same entertainment you would expect on some of the televised shows. Its this level of matchmaking that i have tried to push through on all my shows”

In the short time that he has been promoting after 12 Years and officiating in over 600 bouts as a referee Paul has now successfully put together 20 promotions under the guise of the BBBOC, which have featured Scottish, British Masters and WBO European title fights.

In an ever changing marketplace, which has seen more boxing on television than ever, Graham is clear how the non televised shows can maintain there presence “It’s no secret that the key to small hall promotions that have no TV or big sponsorship deals is ticket sales, and while we always welcome sponsorship from local business to help towards the costs of a show,t it’s a necessary evil that all young boxers have to chap doors, get on facebook and twitter and generally bang their own drum and sell tickets to cover the cost of their fights. We also provide regular mail shots to local press where we can to help get the word out.

“Only last week, I went around local pubs, clubs, shops and hairdressers putting up nearly 75 posters and distributing flyers to help promote my next show in Fauldhouse welfare on Friday 5th June features Four fights, food and entertainment and after party in the Commercial bar all for £40. Not a bad evening’s entertainment if I say so myself.

He adds “So if I can put together 3 or 4 Miners welfare type shows and or 3 larger shows with 12-14 contests that have been very successful at The Ravenscraig regional Sports facility in Motherwell, we’re looking at 6 plus shows per year. To achieve this output i work close with Tommy Gilmour MBE, Iain Wilson and Colin Bellshaw at the St Andrews Sporting club, Stevie McGuire at SM promotions in Fife, Granite City Promotions in Aberdeen. As a result some of my fighters will take 50/50 fights away from home to gain experience and further their ambitions, these fights are crucial to building a fighter and also getting them up the rankings. With a high volume of shows and my extensive experience, and possible title fights there’s no reason for anyone looking to turn over to the pros not to come with us!

Our next two promotions booked are
Friday 5th June, Fauldhouse Miners Welfare, West Lothian 4 fights, entertainment, curry n chips and after party.
Saturday 5th Sep, Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility, 14 contests with a title fight to be confirmed

Contact Paul at Prospect boxing page on twitter, Face book, [email protected] [email protected] or 01698 338888 or 07801735598 if you want to join us on the journey.
