Derek Brunson took out former light heavyweight champion Lyoto Machida in round one of their middleweight bout in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Brunson landed a crushing left that sent Machida to the gorund. Brunson landed three hard shots and the fight was stopped at 2:30.
Brunson, 185 lbs of Wilmington, NC is 18-5. Machida, 185 lbs of Belem, BRA is 22-8.
Colby Covington upset 3rd-ranked Damien Maia via unanimous decision.
In round one, Covington suffered a bad cut over his right eye from a punch. In round three, Maia’s face was a bloody mess.
Covington, 171 lbs of Fort Lauderdale, FL won by scores of 30-26, 30-27 and 29-27 and is now 13-1. Maia, 171 lbs of Sao Paulo. BRA is 25-8.
Pedro Munhoz submitted Rob Font in the first round of their bantamweight bout.
Munhoz made Font tap out from a guillotine at 4:03.
Munhoz of Sao Paulo, BRA is 15-2-1. Font of Woburn, MA is 14-3.
Francisco Trinaldo won a unanimous decision over Jim Miller in a lightweight bout.
Trinaldo, 155 lbs of Basilia, BRA won by scores of 29-28 on all cards and is now 22-5. Miller, 155 lbs of Sparta, NJ is 28-11-1.
Thiago Santos stopped Jack Hermansson in the first round of their middleweight bout.
Santos landed five big shots that sent Hermannson to the deck. Santos landed five more strikes while a prone Hermansson was prone on the ground and the fight was stopped just before the bell sounded to end round one at 4:59
Santos, 186 lbs of Rio de Janeiro, BRA is 16-5. Hermansson, 185 lbs of Oslo, NOR is 16-4.
John Lineker won a unanimous decision over Marlon Vera in a bantamweight bout,
Lineker, 136 lbs of Paranagua, BRA won by scores of 30-27 and 29-28 twice and is now 30-8. Vera, 135 lbs of Chiome, ECU is now 10-4-1.