PHILADELPHIA PA — Members of the Philadelphia City Council presented a resolution honoring J Russell Peltz at this morning’s council meeting on behalf of President Darrell Clarke. The resolution recognized Peltz’ contribution to the city over 50 years of promoting boxing in Philadelphia. President Clarke serves as the City Councilman for District 5, where Peltz promoted his first boxing event at the Blue Horizon on September 30, 1969.
The resolution gave a brief history of Peltz’ career before thanking him for the profound impact he had on the city over the last 50 years. It also expressed the wish that the next generation of boxing promoters continue to preserve Philadelphia’s legacy as a boxing stronghold.
Peltz was gracious in his remarks, and had the crowd laughing when he began speaking about his career.
“I’m humbled to be honored by the city,” he began, “because if you think about it, the only thing I’ve done over the last 50 years is start fights that other people finish.
“I’ve grown up in the greatest fight city in the world,” he continued. “Some of the greatest fighters of all time have fought for me – hall of fame fighters – beginning with my first love, Bennie Briscoe in 1969, and going all the way up through one of my fighters winning a world title in Bejing, China a couple years ago by the name of Jason Sosa.”
He closed his remarks with a story about playing “Cowboys & Indians” as a kid, and how he thought it would be so cool if he could just play the game as an adult, instead of going to work every day. “Honestly, that’s what my career has been like,” he said, and thanked the Council for the honor.
Peltz was joined in attendance by his wife, Linda, and his protege and the promoter of Friday’s “Blood, Sweat and 50 Years” fight card at 2300 Arena, Michelle Rosado.
Tickets for Blood, Sweat & 50 Years are available at 2300arena.com, or by calling 215-765-9022.