David Malul, 147.4?lbs. vs. Shaquille Rushing, 144.6lbs.
Issah Flaherty, 159.4lbs. vs. Jakub Turac, 157.2lbs.
Micky Scala, 155lbs. vs. Mario Zabojnik, 155lbs. ?
Joe Elzey, 128.2lbs. vs. Jordy Suarez Gonzalez, 127.6lbs
Yan Carlos Perez, 126.8lbs. vs. Yeuri Andujar, 127.8lbs.

** Regrettably, the Junior Younan versus Abel Mina fight has been canceled. Mina was brought in from Ecuador a few days before. He refused to leave his hotel room, come down to the weigh-in, and said he decided he does not want to fight Junior.
We are shocked and appalled at his actions and hope to have an announcement for Junior Younan’s next fight soon.  Junior Younan will be at the show tonight, and will be a guest commentator for the broadcast, announce some of the bouts tonight, as well as meet & greet many of the fans in attendance. **
Venue??The Paramount NY370 New York Ave.Huntington, NY 11743
Remaining tickets for Rockin’ Fights 50 priced at $200 (Ringside A), $150 (Ringside B, Loge A), $125 (Ringside C and D, Stage), $100 (Loge B,C,D), $75 (Mezzanine 1and 2) and $50 (Skybar) may be purchased at Ticketmaster or The Paramount is located at 370 New York Ave., Huntington, NY 11743.  Doors will open on the night of the event at 6:30 p.m. with the first bell at 7:30 p.m. The event can also be Live-Streamed on StarBoxing.TV.  Over a 14-year period, Star Boxing has promoted the Rockin’ Fights series to develop numerous world champions and top contenders, while providing the best and longest running sold-out boxing series in the tri-state area. Aside from the 50 shows in this Rockin’ Fights series, Star Boxing has been the longest-running promoter in New York, consistently providing professional boxing in New York for 30+ years. Having promoted over 500 shows and thousands of boxers, its CEO, Joe DeGuardia is considered the OG of New York boxing. 
